Wicked Blocks offers a wide array of both free and premium components specifically designed for Tailwind CSS. Our extensive collection features meticulously crafted Tailwind blocks that cater to various design needs and preferences.
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Wicked Blocks offers a wide array of both free and premium components
specifically designed for Tailwind CSS. Our extensive collection
features meticulously crafted Tailwind blocks that cater to various
design needs and preferences.
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The best front end teams use Wickedtemplates to state their presence.
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<img class="mx-auto h-4 lg:h-12" src="/images/placeholders/original/logoone.svg" alt="Figma" />
<img class="mx-auto h-4 lg:h-12" src="/images/placeholders/original/logotwo.svg" alt="Framer" />
<img class="mx-auto h-4 lg:h-12" src="/images/placeholders/original/logothree.svg" alt="Sketch " />
<img class="mx-auto h-4 lg:h-12" src="/images/placeholders/original/logofour.svg" alt="Sketch " />
<img class="mx-auto h-4 lg:h-12" src="/images/placeholders/original/logofive.svg" alt="Invision" />
A beautiful collection of premium block components for Shadcn UI & Tailwind. Try the free blocks.
3 Massive Tailwind UI Kits; Shadow, Harmony & Monotone versions. From $99. Demo the UI Kits
The worlds largest marketplace of themes for the modern stack. Browse 4000+ free templates.